
CSGUK Events

CSGUK hosts an annual conference in November aimed at managers and supervisors of customer services within libraries. 

We also run a series of webinars and knowledge sharing events for staff working in front line customer services, providing opportunities for library assistants and those in similar roles to share the work they do and ideas that they have implemented, often providing these staff their first valuable experience of presenting to the profession. These "Inspired Ideas from the Sharp End" events have been running successfully since 2018.


Future events

Student Belonging and the Library - Webinar:  Wednesday 26th June 2024 10.30am-12.30pm

Speakers will be presenting on initiatives they have taken to build or increase the sense of community in their libraries, how the past few years have led to changes in the facilities and services they need and choose to offer, and how they've used policy to change the culture in their library and create a feeling of belonging.

To book your place visit our ticketing platform


Past events

Our most recent annual conference was held at the University of Edinburgh in November 2023.   With over 140 delegates in attendance, the conference offered the opportunity to explore some of the change, evolution and even disruption taking place in library customer services.   Some of the discussion points from our various speakers are captured through Padlet.

Here are the abstracts from our most recent conference

Ideas from the Sharp End report