Resources and Links
SCONUL Resources
SCONUL Positive Action Case Studies Produced by Elizabeth Malone, April 2023
SCONUL Equality, diversity and inclusion benchmarking data project SCONUL, July 2022
SCONUL facilitates the Libraries EDI Coordinating Group serves as a forum to share information on EDI-related activity across participating organisations; to promote this work to the broader community and to coordinate activity as required.
The group meets three times a year and produces a news update for community following each meeting. We welcome other library and associated bodies which are interested in getting involved.
This group has produced a number of newsletters:

Other Resources
SCURL EDI toolkit - supporting their members in consistently embedding good practice across their services.
Library, information & knowledge professionals as anti-racism advocates - presentation from ALN Conference, Josh Sendall, Lancaster University, 8 September 2021
100 Black Women Professors NOW launch event The initiative recognises the specific experiences of black women and looks to use this programme to culturally sensitize institutions and colleagues towards challenging existing systems and structures to drive change. Watch the 100BWP NOW launch event, 2 June 2021
Knowledge Justice: Disrupting Library and Information Studies through Critical Race Theory, Edited by Sofia Y. Leung, Jorge R. López-McKnight (The MIT Press), April 2021
Tackling Racism on Campus - resources, designed to help tackle the issue of racism on university and college campuses, 2021.
Wikimedia UK - Connected Heritage webinars: sharing cultural heritage online Webinars hosted by Wikimedia UK to help heritage and cultural organisations share their content through Wikipedia and its sister sites, 2021.
Previous EDI Events
- Thriving in your career, 10 June 2022 - Hosted by ALN, this was an opportunity for BAME colleagues and students to come together face-to-face in a collaborative and supportive environment. SCONUL, ALN and RLUK were able to offer bursaries to attend this conference.
- SCONUL BAME group inaugural Allies Forum, 14 September 2021
Black, Asian and minority ethnic staff members and their allies were invited to come together to discuss what it means to be an ally and to share best practice and experiences.. - SCONUL BAME group open forum, 9 February 2021
- An Open Forum for BAME staff working at SCONUL member libraries to enable BAME staff to network and share information.
- Talent Untapped, 8 November 2019 -Hosted by UEL, this event was a safe space for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) library and information professionals to exchange information about careers and key issues in the academic library and information sector. SCONUL was able to offer two travel bursaries for this conference.