Resources and Links

Developments in AI are included in that section, and other resources on technologies and libraries are below:


University College Cork


Webinars available to watch:

  • Repositories and beyond – the evolving landscape, This webinar looked the existing repository and research information management landscape and direction of travel, and the scope for further development of provision in this space, April 2022 (Available for members: please log in for access).

  • Alternative Approaches to Discovery, This webinar explored the evolving discovery landscape with Andrea Chiarelli, Senior Consultant, Research Consulting with a case study looking at the innovative approach to discovery taken at the University of Utrecht library with Martine Pronk, Head of Academic Services there, 22 March 2022 (Available for members: please log in for access).

  • ILL and its strategic uses for academic and research libraries, This event reviewed recent and planned developments in the ILL landscape and current and potential use cases for ILL including the scope for open and community driven models for ILL, July 2021 (Available for members: please log in for access).