Customer Services Group UK

Customer Services Group UK (CSGUK) is a group that supports library customer service professionals to develop, collaborate and share knowledge. We are primarily aimed at those working in Higher Education Libraries but anyone interested in our work is welcome to use our resources and get involved. 

 The aims of CSGUK are to: 

Discuss and share knowledge of new developments in customer service generally, and within libraries more specifically. 

Share knowledge and techniques used around measures already implemented in H.E libraries. 

Discuss and develop ideas for improving customer service, especially where there is potential for active collaborative working. 

CSGUK is not a formal membership organisation but a group supporting professional development, collaboration and knowledge sharing amongst colleagues providing customer services within Libraries. However, it does have a formal structure for delivering its resources, news and events. There is a steering group and two task groups. 

Steering Group 

CSGUK activity is directed by its Steering Group, with the following aims and objectives: 

Setting the vision and guiding the strategy of CSGUK. 

Identifying opportunities for communicating and collaborating across the sector. 

Overseeing the work of the task groups. 

Ensuring that the task groups support each other and that their remits do not overlap. 


Contact Details

Please join our JISCM@il list CSGUK@JISCMAIL.AC.UK to keep up to date with Customer Services Group UK events and activities. 

If you have a specific query please contact the Chair, Nuala McLaren ( 

You can also follow CSGUK activities on social media (Instagram link)

Steering group membership 

Chair: Nuala McLaren, Goldsmiths University of London 
Vice Chair:  Billi-Anne Waterfall, University of Southampton 

Secretary: Julian Roland, University of West London 
Treasurer: Vacancy 

Events Task Group Chair: Rachel Heastie, Royal Holloway University of London 

Research & Resources Task Group Chair: Derek Mackenzie, City University of London